"Greer is mesmerizing and the students respond to her with enthusiasm and interest .... in 31 years I have never seen anything match her level of expertise in several areas .... Greer is a master teacher."
— Janet Stern, veteran NYC public school teacher for 31 years
“Since joining P.S. 58 in 2007, Greer has proven to be a dedicated community member and leader who is a role model for her students and her colleagues in the building .... Her knowledge and commitment to creating an inclusive teaching and learning environment are visible in all aspects of her work, including communication, planning, and student and family interactions. She has always been trusted by the team of teachers she has worked with, and her opinion and insight remain valued by her colleagues and our administrative team.”
— Stephen Cedermark, Assistant Principal, PS 58 in Brooklyn, NY

"Au cours des années où j'ai eu le privilège de travailler aux côtés de Mme Patterson, j'ai pu constater son professionnalisme exemplaire et son dévouement sans faille envers ses élèves, ses familles et ses collègues .... Sa passion pour l'enseignement, son professionnalisme irréprochable et sa capacité à inspirer ses élèves font d'elle une enseignante exceptionnelle."
— Annique Leman, directrice adjointe, PS 58 à Brooklyn, New York
“Zachary has always enjoyed school, but his year with Ms. Patterson stands out, and we are grateful to her for the environment she created .... Greer really did move the kids and they all loved her. Zachary felt very close to Greer and internalized so many of her lessons and moments from class. She gave the kids such a unique and privileged year, filled with opera and ballet and unique trips. Sometimes we probably take for granted that being in NYC affords the kids exposure to culture, but the truth we learned is that it is a teacher like Greer who can really maximize such an opportunity and open up a new world of possibilities for them.”
— Veronique Nguyen and Ben Sobel, bilingual parents of a PS 58 student
One of Ms. Patterson’s most impressive attributes is her bilingual proficiency in both French and English. She creates an inclusive and diverse learning environment, catering to students from various linguistic backgrounds. Her ability to seamlessly switch between languages not only facilitates effective communication but also promotes cultural understanding among students. Georgia thrived in this environment .... I have no doubt that she will continue to inspire and positively impact the lives of countless students.
— Kate Powers, mother of a French-language-learner and class parent, PS 58 in Brooklyn, NY

En dépit du contexte éducatif très difficile à l’époque et des restrictions fortes dues au virus Covid-19, Léo a passé une excellente année scolaire en compagnie de Ms. Patterson. Greer a en effet immédiatement su montrer de grandes capacités à créer un climat de confiance dans sa classe propice à l’apprentissage, au développement socio-affectif, au jeu, et à la progression de chaque élève dans un environnement bilingue. Nous avons tout de suite été confortés dans l’idée que cette année exceptionnelle serait une réussite pour notre fils. Ms. Patterson a toujours fait preuve d’une grande implication auprès de Léo et d’une volonté sans faille de le voir progresser aussi bien en anglais qu’en français.
— Emilie et Jean-François Tormo, parents français d'un élève bilingue à PS 58 de 2020 à 2023
“As a colleague, she is always generous with her time and resources and is constantly having conversations with other teachers about how to improve our practice. Greer is thorough and reflective in her teaching, looking at student work and data to figure out next academic steps for her students. She bases her teaching practices on research and proven practices, always adapting with the dual-language research and her students’ current levels. Her students’ academic success would not be possible without the trusting relationship that she builds with all her students and their families. She brings her personal passions into the classroom and inspires her students to do their best with her encouragement.”
— Amber Drabot, veteran bilingual educator and colleague, PS 58 in Brooklyn, NY

I highly recommend Greer Patterson as an exceptional educator whose thoughtful and purposeful approach to teaching has been an inspiration to me since we began working together in 2019. Greer’s collaborative and erudite teaching practice has been a powerful presence in our community at PS 58 in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn.
— John Blevins, Lower Music Teacher, PS 58 in Brooklyn, NY
“J’aime atelier de langue parce que Ms. Patterson est très gentille.”
— élève francophone en CP dans le programme bilingue français/anglais
“To Ms. Patterson: Language Workshop is my favorite specialty class.”
— Kindergarten general-education student, PS 58