Opera and classical music for kids
inviting children to experience and develop a love for a timeless art form
Hearing new sounds
How do you work on listening?
Make it quiet. Invite questions.
Acknowledge newness.
Ask for thoughts. Share feelings.
Notice words in a different language.
Engaging with story elements
Building empathy for others
Who are the characters?
How do they feel?
Why do they feel that way?
Why are they doing that?
What happened before?
What will happen next?

Then come new inspirations.
“How can I bring this into my home?”
For families
One-on-one and small-group musical moments for children who already love the classics, or think that all orchestral music comes from cartoons
“How can I bring this into my classroom?”
For educators
Resources for your students and ideas for you, whether you are a seasoned musician or you still think opera is only about fat ladies singing

" ... the special and outstanding talent that Greer offers the students is her musical infusion into the curriculum. Greer is a trained opera singer and she exposes her students to the music, plots and the characters of operas ... It is amazing to witness these eight-year-old students discuss the characters in La Bohème and the cadences of the music as the opera unfolds."
— Janet Stern, NYC public school teacher for 31 years
Brilliant drawings by young artist and dear student Gabriel, age 8, Brooklyn, New York
inspired by a study of Tchaikovsky’s ballets Swan Lake and The Nutcracker
“Greer a toujours eu le souci d’aller au-delà du cadre purement scolaire pour permettre aux élèves d’acquérir d’autres valeurs importantes comme l’ouverture d’esprit. Cela s’est traduit par exemple en 2nd Grade par l’étude en classe du ballet, de l’opéra et de la musique classique. Contre toute attente, ce fût, pour Léo, l’une des activités les plus inspirantes et enrichissantes; il en parle encore aujourd’hui avec passion!”
— Emilie et Jean-François Tormo, parents français d'un élève bilingue à PS 58 de 2020 à 2023